Quality Service
Time is always important.
We can provide you with quick delivery of your products in 1 business day or overnight, many times at the same price as the “Big Box” stores that promise low pricing. Save your time & energy and shop with us!
Best Value
Get the most for your money.
Our compatibles are guaranteed to be of equal or greater quality and will not void your warranty. Prefer an OEM product, no problem, we can deliver that fast and at fantastic prices (Too Low To Publish Online)!
Answers to your questions!
Our knowledgeable staff will answer your questions and get you the information you need! NO answering service, NO overseas call center, NO automated phone system. We make sure you get the service you deserve!
You want the highest quality ink, toner, paper & storage media at the lowest possible price? We want to provide that to you!

Toner Cartridges

11″ x 17″ Copy & Printer Paper

Register & POS White/Canary Rolls

30/24/38 Blk/Red Ribbon

18″, 24″, 30″, 36″ 20# Engineering Bond Rolls

Injet Cartridges
Our prices are based on the best possible price from a variety of premium suppliers and your current needs, not an inflated price that guarantees us a profit on the day you might buy!
The J.P. Patti, Inc. Promise
We take great pride in our work and our number one priority is to serve you by providing excellent service and products at a reasonable price. Your continued business is extremely important to us and we want you to think J.P. Patti, Inc. whenever you need assistance with your computer supplies needs. Many customers shop by price alone and end up frequently switching suppliers because of poor print quality, defects, or bad service. Many companies with the most aggressive pricing often re-use parts in their cartridges or fail to do in-house print testing. We promise to provide you with excellent service and products. We promise to give you unparalleled service and the highest quality product…period!
Jim Patti, CEO
Great Fast Delivery
With next day or overnight delivery available in most cases and included in the price of your product, along with full product guarantee how can you go wrong? Orders submitted Monday – Friday between 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. are processed immediately and in most cases, your order is shipped to you next business day (excludes major holidays).
A little about J.P. Patti, Inc.
Since 1967 J.P. Patti, Inc. has been providing outstanding service to our customers and providing the highest quality paper, ink, toner and storage media products. We take great pride in our work. Our number one priority is to serve you by providing excellent service and products at a reasonable price. Your continued business is extremely important to us. We want you to think J.P. Patti, Inc. whenever you need assistance with your computer supplies needs. Many customers shop by price alone and end up frequently switching suppliers because of poor print quality, defects, or bad service. Many companies with the most aggressive pricing often re-use parts in their cartridges or fail to do in-house print testing. We promise to provide you with excellent service and products.
Our wonderful customers are the reason we’re in business. Here are some of the great things they’ve said about us.
Thought we might have to replace our expensive POS system, but they were able to get us the rolls and ribbons we needed at a great price. — Steve Shaffer
Quick overnight delivery. Saved me many times in the middle of a project — Kim Berg
Incredible service and always great support! — Tom Purdy
We’ll do everything we can to make sure you’re a satisfied customer, too!